Wednesday, 14 August 2013


Hello everyone!

I know this is completely unrelated to the topic of fashion & beauty, but I'll also be featuring a little bit of lifestyle based blog posts too.

So, recently I've been panicking myself to death about my A-level results day... which is now tomorrow - aaaahhhh! I know many of you may also be feeling the same at the moment too, or some of you worrying about your GCSE results next week (I know I was also scared as ever then as well!). But I thought I'd write just a short post on ways you can think positively and show to you that it isn't really the end of the world if you don't do quite as well as you'd hoped :)

Results aren't everything. Grades are just letters on a piece of paper. Do you really think some letters printed on a piece of paper can determine the rest of your life?! Schools/colleges lead you to think this, but really this isn't the case...

- If you're waiting for your A-level results day and you're hoping to get into the uni you've got your heart set on, yes it would be a huge disappointment for you if you don't get the grades (but don't worry - I'm sure most of you will!), but don't think that you won't be able to continue towards your future career. There are plenty of other opportunities i.e college courses, apprenticeships, and open university

- Think about half of the millionaires in the world... did they all get A* grades?! No. Real life proof that it doesn't determine the rest of your life.

- For those of you waiting for GCSE results, whatever results you get it is not in ANY WAY restricting on what you want to do when you're older. You still have plenty of time to sort things out and make it work for you :)

Don't worry about it at all! Whether you do well, or not so well, it's not determining your life as if you try hard enough independently, you can get there! Determination and motivation is key.

I guess this post is also a little comforting session for me so I don't worry my little head any more, and hopefully it may help some of you all to realise that grades aren't everything. Still try as hard as you can to do well, but if your best just isn't quite enough, don't beat yourself up over it. You'll get there in the end :) I hope this helped some of you!

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