Hey guys!
I'm so sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been so busy with sixth form, and I just haven't had the chance to write recently. *cries*
I have a few posts coming up, but my camera and laptop haven't been getting along so as soon as they become friends again, some more fashion/beauty related posts will be up. So I decided I'd write a little lifestyle/how to post on interview nerves as I had my first ever job interview last Saturday and I GOT THE JOB!
So, everyone knows that nerves always kick in before a job interview, and if you've never had one before it's even more nerve-racking! Anyway, I got super nervous for my interview. As I had to wait over a week (nearly two!) until my interview I had so much time to worry and fret about it... and in the end there was absolutely no reason for me to be worrying.
You can never be certain on what questions you're going to be asked during your interview, and you don't always know what they are expecting of you, so these are my Top 5 Tips for preparing and dealing with the nerves!
1. Do some background research on the company. Most businesses will have an online website with an 'About' page with key bits of information & their values. Have a little read of that a day or two before your interview, find out things such as how many stores they have, how long they've been established & the values/things they believe in. This way, you could incorporate some of this into your answers, and if they ask a question about the company you won't be completely stumped!
2. Find some common interview questions which may come up & practice some answers. The question 'Tell me a bit about yourself' will more than likely come up so try and think of some at least slightly interesting things about yourself to tell. They just want to find out a little more about who you are & what you do.
3. Don't over prepare! This is easily done when your nerves are taking over. Over preparing can easily stress you out more, as you'll find more and more questions which you may not have an answer for & half the time, most of the questions don't even come up! As well as this, you don't want to over prepare so much that you're memorizing your answers & end up speaking like a robot!
4. Make sure you arrive on time/a bit early! Don't arrive too early (e.g 20 minutes early), but 5 or 10 minutes early is always good. It gives the employer a good first impression of you, being late will just stress you out even more about it and the employer will wonder whether you are always this way.
5. Dress appropriately! Depending on what sort of job you're being interviewed for will determine what you should wear. But if you're worried about what to wear, if anything, definitely go too smart than too laid back! You'll then look as though you've made an effort and a lot of employers get a huge idea of you by what you're wearing. I wore some dark navy trousers, a peach coloured blouse, some brown pumps and a blazer :)
I hope this helped any of you worrying about a job interview, but honestly, it's not as bad as it seems at all! I was worrying like there was no tomorrow about mine, and I got there and they were so friendly and I felt totally comfortable. Just smile, be friendly & polite and remember, you're not going to die! :)
A new beauty post will be up soon about a lovely giveaway I won by Libby at Life of Libby :)
Don't forget to re-follow me on bloglovin' since my url change!
Love love,
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